Minister of Health of the Russian Federation V.I.Skvortsova about Russian National Congress of Cardiology

2014-08-14 00:00:002087

Dear colleagues!

On September 24-26, 2014 in Kazan, the Russian National Congress of Cardiology will be held. This will be an important step in solving urgent problems of modern medicine aimed at further reducing of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in the Russian Federation.

The largest specialized scientific and clinical forum, where the annual participation is more than 5,000 professionals, will do everything possible for modernization of health care promoting new methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

The Congress has every reason to be the significant event in science and medical community as it has an interdisciplinary basis to discuss current approaches to diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. It is the integration of knowledge based on fundamental science achievements that will allow our health care system quickly move forward and reach the most advanced position of translational and personalized medicine.

The topical character of the Congress is determined not only by the high incidence and social significance of cardiovascular diseases but also by the new perspectives of health care modernization in our country. Scientific and technical progress, rapid development of biomedical sciences, an active transfer of the basic research findings to the clinic, development of molecular medicine, new imaging technologies, the range and complexity of surgical and endovascular interventions on heart and blood vessels, including the use of robotics, widen the possibilities of medical care.

I am convinced that the Congress will open up new prospects for improving health care system through innovative medical technologies, and will be a step forward to the development of national cardiology.

I invite you to actively participate in the Congress and I wish you every success!


   Minister of Health of the Russian Federation V.I.Skvortsova



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