For the second year in a row Saratov joins the global initiative MAY MEASUREMENT MONTH

2018-06-02 00:00:001646

This year BP screening was conducted by the students of the Saratov State Medical University and students of Ecology Department of the Saratov State Technical University and was supported by the Society of young scientists of the Universities. The action was managed by the Saratov regional branch of the RSC Working group of Young Cardiologists and doctors of the Saratov Scientific Institute od cardiology.

On May 2018 62 citizens of the downtown and 100 citizens of the suburbs were medically examined. Doctors did not only measure the blood pressure but also asked people about cardiovascular risk factors they may have and provided them with information on ways to make their lifestyle healthier. The governor of the Saratov region Valery Radaev took part in the event himself.

The mass screening and public awarness campaign will be continued in Saratov with the help of active students.




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