EuroPrevent congress was held in Ljubljana, Slovenia on April 19-21, 2018

2018-05-03 00:00:001758

EuroPrevent Congress is annual meeting organized by the ESC European Association of Preventive Cardiology (EAPC). In 2018 the congress was held on April 19-21 in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

On the second day of the Congress, April 20th, a Young Community open meeting was held. 

Dr. Maria Simonenko (St.Petersburg) was invited to attend the congress as a Faculty and to judge Young investigator award session III - Exercise Basic & Translational Research (EBTR). Moreover, she presented the results of her research in the field of post-heart transplant follow-up during abstract-based poster session - "The dynamic of physical capacity and quality of life after heart transplantation".

"I was so excited to attend EuroPrevent 2018 in Ljubljana, Slovenia and to present results of my research. Another interesting part of congress was interactive sessions to discuss clinical cases alive and took home messages which were far away from just treating by guidelines. After few days of congress I went back home being updated and with the hope to attend EuroPrevent Congress again. In fact, the year before I was elected to participate in Career Café and met legends all over Europe. So during EuroPrevent 2018 I received a chance to connect with them again, especially during provided networking opportunities in EAPC Members Lounge and Young community cocktail. 

During EAPC General Assembly was presented the new structure of EAPC sections and was discussed how attract and support young cardiologists to take a part in EAPC activities. That is why first Young Community Open Meeting took place [of course, I was there!] and it was amazing to share ideas with peers and to propose what can be changed or added in EAPC.
In addition, last EBTR meeting was created and our team can not wait to produce all our ideas in real-life projects, papers and statements.

EuroPrevent Congress was such an incredible opportunity and I will be really happy to be a part of EAPC activities again".



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