EURObservational Research Programme (EORP) launched by the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) is developing rapidly

2016-09-22 00:00:001625
ESC launched and successfully develops a huge programme of registries on different cardiovascular diseases, including Chronic Ischemic Cardiovascular Disease (CICD) Registry and Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) STEMI Registry. Each registry is planned to achieve nearly 15,000 patients from more than 35 countries.
In Russia, these registries are led by the Russian Society of Cardiology. Every doctor who practices treatment of IHD or MI or ACS can participate in the registry. It is crucial that municipal hospitals take part in the registries so that everyone can get objective and accurate data of the real clinical practice.
Joining the registries doctors will obtain a lot of benefits and positive outcomes. In particular, investigators from the Russian centres can:
- transfer of national data from the EORP database for internal use and national publications, abstracts and posters
- statistical analysis (duplication of analysis of main publications with country data; allows comparison local / rest of the country to evaluate specifically the country management and outcome of patient's care)
- publications (national coordinators and investigators acknowledged in all main and ancillary papers; primary authorship and other).
On behalf of the leading Russian cardiologists, experts of the European and Russian Societies of Cardiology, we invite you to join our team and take part in the registries!
Working meeting on registries will be held within the Russian National Congress of Cardiology in Ekaterinburg on September 22nd 10.00-11.00 in the meeting room #9.
Everyone is welcome! See you there!


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