Educational grant "Atrial fibrillation". Winner is getting 500,000 RUB for project realization!

2018-12-03 00:00:001467

Russian Society of Cardiology and Bayer give educational grant "Atrial fibrillation". The winner will receive a 500,000 RUB award for the project realization.

We expect authors to present their projects that will improve the quality of life of AFib patients, their adherence to the therapy, as well as projects dedicated to multidisciplinary approach as the instrument of increasing efficacy and safety of therapy in comorbid patients with atrial fibrillation.

The projects must be realized within 6 months as follows:

- Development of app for patients for improvement of therapy adherence
- Development of app for doctors for increasing safety of therapy (responsible use of anticoagulants)
- Initiation of educational programme for patients
- Telemedicine project 
- Development of online platform for doctors for sharing clinical experience and discussing difficult cases
- Development of routing algorithm of new patinets with atrial fibrillation and its implementation
- Launch of the Russian registry of AFib patients 
- Opening of antocoagulant unit in clinics
- Other


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