Educational forum for young cardiologists

2014-04-16 00:00:002235

II scientific and educational forum for young cardiologists was held in Moscow on 2-3 of April. It was one the educational events of RSC for young professionals according to their needs and in modern format of master classes. This time young researchers gathered in order to improve their skills in research planning and analysis, presentation of results on international congresses and submitting articles to the journals with high impact factor. Young scientists from 24 cities of Russia received travel grants from RSC.
Leading experts provided the high educational level of the event, but the informal atmosphere at the Forum was also very important. All young specialists had an opportunity to communicate with experts, they asked questions and discussed urgent problems.
Such events can be an important step for the career of the young researchers, and it is not only because the new knowledge, but also because the special atmosphere, which "inspires" on the new achievements. Young researchers understood that they is not alone, that they have support of leading experts.
During the discussions at the Forum several interesting ideas appeared!
Congratulations for Forum participants and all the best!


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