Another Go Red for Women® action was held in Moscow

2019-11-04 00:00:001040

Bright social action dedicated to the World Stroke Day 2019 took place in Moscow this October. To attract public attention to the problem of cardiovascular diseases unique Krymskiy bridge and 200-year old buildings at the Tverskaya square were lit in red. This eye-catching colour is traditionally used as a symbol of alert in connection with rapid growth of the cardiovascular morbidity globally. According to WHO prevention can reduce CV risks up to 80%.

Hundreds of people visited Krymskiy bridge and Tverskaya square that day  took part in the flashmob: volonteers told them about stroke prevention, after that they all collected red umbrellas and continue walking with it. That way, the streets were coloured not only by lights but with bright smiling people under red umbrellas as well.

"There is a direct connection between level of public awareness about CV risks and life time. Today we need to dramatically change the lifestyle of the Russians. Thus, we supported Go Red for Women® social initiative for a long time. and we pay attention to raising of public awareness" said Prof. Evgeny Shlyakhto, president of the Russian Society of Cardiology.

The most active participants took pulse rate on Tverskaya street to learn more about current state of their cardiovascular system. All they needed to to was walk a little fater than they normally do and control their pulse at the minimal physical activity.

"For the last decade we achieved moderate success in reducing the key stroke risk factors. According to the general statistics, stroke mortality lowered for the last several years. Risk groups are people of the working age and older people with high blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose levels", noted Prof. Oksana Drapkina, chief physician of the Ministry of Health in Russia.

The action was organized and held by the Russian Society of Cardiology and Bayer. Government of Moscow supported the initiative and helped in realization.

#RSC #RussianSocietyofCardiology #GoRedforWomen



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