A Leadership Meeting between RSC and ESC

2013-11-06 00:00:003061

Further cooperation between Russian and European Societies of Cardiology were discussed during the Meeting. As promising areas of joint activities the following spheres were discussed:

  • Involvement of Russian specialists into European guidelines review;

  • Providing RSC with a bigger number of votes that would reflect the growing Russian membership in ESC;

  • More active involvement of Russian specialists into European registries, especially in the field of Acute Coronary Disease.

The Russian part was represented by: RSC President Evgeny Shlyakhto, RSC Secretary General Alexander Nedoshivin, RSC Vice Presidents Rafael Oganov, Sergey Boitsov, Albert Galyavich, RSC Board Member Alexandra Konradi, ESCel Coordinator in RSC Prof. Shevchenko


The European part was represented by ESC President Panos Vardas, President-Elect Fausto Pinto, ESC Vice President for National Societies and Fellowship Jeroen Bax, ESC Vice Presdeint for International Relations Martin Borggrefe, ESC Secretary/Treasurer Steen Dalby Kristense, Director for Advocacy and Representation Muriel Mioulet.


All applauded the practical decisions taken today and concluded that increased involvement of RSC into ESC activities is a 2 way exercise, requiring bilateral efforts from both ESC as RSC.


Memory Notes Leadership Meeting 

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