The Forum "Internet + Medicine" took place in Moscow

2016-11-25 00:00:002318
On November 24th in Moscow the Forum "Internet + Medicine" was held. Federal and regional companies and administrative services participated in the meeting.

Internetization of medicine is a very hot topic. Low draft on developing of the Internet medicine is a top priority. This document suggests doctors will have access to remote medical consultations and identification for patients and specialists.

Personalized medicine is developing rapidly, but we still have no legislation in this field. The key element is unified language between medical and Internet communities.

In Russia with its huge territory and remote cities and villages the issue of Internet and telemedicine is very acute.

The Forum "Internet + Medicine" is a new format of dialogue between the government and medical services market. Plenary session ended with the Award ceremony for the best Internet resources in healthcare.

Within the Forum a variety of topics were discussed: online drug sales, intelligent systems application in healthcare, prospects of the remote medical education, telemedicine, medical startups and the Internet role in the modern healthy lifestyle projects.
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