Special prices for the Russian participants on the 10th International Conference on Acute Cardiac Care

2016-10-03 00:00:002600

10th International Conference on Acute Cardiac Care will be held on January 15-17, 2017 in Tel Aviv, Israel.

A special Joint session of Israeli-Russian working groups on Acute Cardiac Care "Antithrombotic treatments in acute coronary syndromes: What’s new?" will be conducted on January 16th within the conference.

Organizers would like to offer special registration prices for the Russian participants:
- Conference registration prices ($795 today) include lunches during the 2 days of sessions and 2 gala dinners. Russian doctors can get a discount and pay only $495 (including 2 dinners), or without 2 dinners for $330 per person.
- Accommodation prices. $120 including full Israeli breakfast for a double room ($60 per person) at the Metropolitan Hotel (15-minute walk to the conference venue) . A single room for one person costs $110.

The deadline for abstracts is October 31st, 2016.

Website: www.acute-cardiac-care.com

Contact person:
Aryeh Lewis, Conference Secretariat
email: meetings@isas.co.il
tel: +972-2-6520574

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