Should axis deviation or atrial enlargement be categorised as abnormal in young athletes? The athlete's electrocardiogram: time for re-appraisal of markers of pathology

2013-12-17 00:00:001651

Aims The 2010 European Society of Cardiology (ESC) guidelines for electrocardiogram (ECG) interpretation in athletes are associated with a relatively high false positive rate and warrant modification to improve the specificity without compromising sensitivity. The aim of this study was to investigate whether non-specific anomalies such as axis deviation and atrial enlargement in isolation require further assessment in highly trained young athletes.

Method and results Between 2003 and 2011, 2533 athletes aged 14–35 years were investigated with 12-lead ECG and echocardiography. Electrocardiograms were analysed for non-training-related (Group 2) changes according to the 2010 ESC guidelines. Results were compared with 9997 asymptomatic controls. Of the 2533 athletes, 329 (13%) showed Group 2 ECG changes. Isolated axis deviation and isolated atrial enlargement comprised 42.6% of all Group 2 changes. Athletes revealed a slightly higher prevalence of these anomalies compared with controls (5.5 vs. 4.4%; P = 0.023). Echocardiographic evaluation of athletes and controls with isolated axis deviation or atrial enlargement (n = 579) failed to identify any major structural or functional abnormalities. Exclusion of axis deviation or atrial enlargement reduced the false positive rate from 13 to 7.5% and improved specificity from 90 to 94% with a minimal reduction in sensitivity (91–89.5%).

Conclusion Isolated axis deviation and atrial enlargement comprise a high burden of Group 2 changes in athletes and do not predict underlying structural cardiac disease. Exclusion of these anomalies from current ESC guidelines would improve specificity and cost-effectiveness of pre-participation screening with ECG.



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