Russian-Japanese center for cardiac imaging was opened in Moscow

2015-09-14 00:00:002617

Research and educational center with equipment by Toshiba company will help to develop cardiac diagnostics in Russia.

September 7th, 2015 in Moscow was held an opening ceremony of Russian-Japanese center for cardiac imaging created by Medical Excellence JAPAN and Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation in cooperation with the First Sechenov Moscow State Medical University and Myasnikov Institute of clinical cardiology.


Foundation and equipment of the Center led by RAS academician Sergey Ternovoy is based on agreement between MEJ and TMSC in October 2014 and contract with the Russian side signed in January 2015.

Educational program targeted on future development of diagnostics and treatment of cardiovascular diseases in Russia includes modern Japanese imaging systems. Furthermore, it is a part of continuing medical education (CME) system for Russian doctors.

Cardiovascular diseases, like ischemic heart disease and cerebral bloodflow disorders, is a main mortality factor in Russia. Training pragram for Russian doctors based on Japanese high-tech medical equipment will help to upgrade diagnostic and treatment techniques. It will prevent cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in Russia.

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