ISH 2014 Awards and Prizes – a call for nominations

2014-03-04 00:00:001914

On the occasion of its 25th Scientific Meeting (Hypertension Athens 2014), which will be held in Athens, Greece from 13th to 16th June 2014 ( the ISH with the collaboration and generous support of corporate sponsors, is pleased to announce the following awards. In addition to the prestige associated with each of the awards, they each comprise a monetary amount to recognise the excellence of the awardees.

Call for nominations for the following awards. Deadline: 30th April 2014

·     ISH Franz Volhard Award and Lectureship for Outstanding Research

·     ISH Robert Tigerstedt Lifetime Achievement Award

·     ISH Developing World Award

·     ISH Paul Korner Award, supported by the High Blood Pressure Research Foundation

·     ISH Distinguished Membership Award

·     ISH Honorary Membership Award


The following awards and prizes will be presented based on high quality abstracts.

·     Austin Doyle Award, supported by Servier Australia

·     ISH New Investigator Oral and Poster Presentation Awards, supported by Daiichi-Sankyo

·     International Forum Poster Prizes, supported by Daiichi Sankyo

·     ISH New Investigator Poster Awards, supported by Clinical Science, Hypertension Research and Journal of Human Hypertension


For further information regarding the nomination process, please click here or email

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