Doctors provide medical care on every remote Russian region

2015-11-04 00:00:001410

In Siberian city Barnaul the 4-year project "Road-train" has met its first results. For this period doctors made examinations of nearly 200 thousand patients in 780 villages in Altai region, conducted more than 286 thousand tests, 21 thousand people were sent to further diagnostics, hospitalized - more than 2,000 patients.

Rain-train "Health" made the high0tech medical care available in every corner of the region. Thus, on the day of its arrival people from far villages can have a consultation with endocrinologist, cardiologist, surgeon, ophthalmologist, oncologist, neurologist, phthisiatrician and other specialists.

New diagnostic methods are constantly applied. 

Russian minister of health Veronika Skvortsova highly appreciated experience of Altai region on increasing accessibility of the medical care to people from different regions and ordered to use it for creation of the federal service of the mobile medicine.

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