18 European countries are now recruiting steadily and we hope that the patients enrollment will be more active in the nearest future

2017-03-14 00:00:001869

Dear Colleagues,
18 European countries are now recruiting steadily and we hope that the patients enrollment will be more active in the nearest future. We are hoping that in 2017, this registry will really take off, with more centres joining us and an important pool of data for analysis. At present already 3797 patients enrolled!
37 centers out of 40 were opened in Russia and 881 patient was enrolled.
We are happy to inform you that as of December 2106, Russian Federation holds the first place among all countries as for the number of registered centers - 37 as well as for the number of patients included - 881 patients.
Thank you all for your important contribution to the establishment of Register and the excellent work you have done.

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