Eliquis OK'd for Treating, Preventing VTE

The FDA has approved the oral anticoagulant drug apixaban for treating deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism and for preventing recurrent episodes of these conditions, according to the two firms selling the drug.

2nd Cardiovascular Disease Prevention conference, Morocco

Scientific programme endorsed by the European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation (EACPR), a registered branch of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC).

World Sleep Day 2014: Results

At the end of summer Committee of the World Sleep Day summarized results of the Best Event Contest dedicated to this day.

Incidence of sick sinus syndrome projected to double within 50 years

The incidence of sick sinus syndrome in the United States is projected to double in the next 50 years, with increased risk specifically in older and white adults.

Fenofibrate cut adverse CV outcomes in women with diabetes by one-third

Women with type 2 diabetes and already at risk for heart disease had a 30% reduction in adverse cardiovascular outcomes with the cholesterol-lowering.

Blood pressure-lowering treatment based on cardiovascular risk: a meta-analysis of individual patient data

We aimed to investigate whether the benefits of blood pressure-lowering drugs are proportional to baseline cardiovascular risk, to establish whether absolute risk could be used to inform treatment decisions for blood pressure-lowering therapy, as is recommended for lipid-lowering therapy.

Studies Explore Effectiveness of Telerobotics in Echocardiography

Telerobotics has become an emerging technology in the field of medicine, allowing physicians to conduct life-saving examinations across great distances through a mechanized proxy.
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