UPCP 2014 – Up Close and Personalized – The 3 rd International Congress on Personalized Medicine

Prague , Czech Republic, 26 June - 29 June 2014

We are pleased to inform you that UPCP 2014 – Up Close and Personalized – The 3 rd International Congress on Personalized Medicine will take place in Prague , Czech Republic from 26-29 June , 2014 .

Following the great success of the previous meetings in Florence and Paris, the main focus of the third Up Close and Personalized Congress is to examine the essential clinical, genomic,
proteomic, metabolomic, pharmacogenomic, biomarker data and imaging necessary to predict, prevent and treat major medical conditions concerning metabolism (diabetes and obesity), and cancer.

We would be pleased if you would kindly consider supporting our congress. This is a non-financial exchange and an agreement to publicize UPCP 2014 to your members through your newsletters, website postings, and mailing lists.
We would like to ask you to:
* Publicize our Congress on your website and/or on your event calendar.
* Send a newsletter on our behalf to your members, informing them about our Congress.
In exchange for your support, we will:
* List you as a Supporting Organization and include your logo on the congress website;
* List you as a Supporting Organization in the congress program;
* List any upcoming events that your organization may have on the Congress website;
* Provide you with the opportunity to distribute your organization’s marketing materials in either the delegate bags and/or on the future meetings table at the congress itself;
For further information about the Congress, we invite you to visit the website: http://2014.upcp.org

We look forward to working with you to take this forward.

Yours sincerely,

Lyat Shahal
UPCP 2014 Marketing


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