M?laga Valve 2014

M?laga, Spain, 4 April - 5 April 2014

Dear Sirs,


We contact you to inform that on April 4th and 5th, 2014, there will be held in Málaga, Spain the Meeting Málaga Valve 2014.


The aim of this international event is to join the world’s most prominent leaders in Heart Valve Diseases in order to share knowledge, reinforce professional and personal links and to improve the appliance to clinical practice of the latest advances in the Heart Valve Diseases area. Malaga Valve meeting intends to attract clinical cardiologists, image cardiologists, cardiac surgeons and all the professionals involved in the care of valve disease patients.


We will appreciate that you send to the members of the Society you are representing the programme of the meeting attached to this e-mail. We will thank you also to publish the information in the web page. Málaga Valve 2014 web page: www.malagavalve.com


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