The social element of the week was as good as the educational content. Our hosts diligently looked after us enabling us to experience Riga. We ice-skated, went sight seeing and visited a beautiful castle. This was coupled with singing and dancing. The week culminated in a night at the opera! Having started the week wary of what was going to happen, it ended with new friends, ideas for future working collaborations, and promises for a reunion in 2015.

I would encourage any trainee that gets the opportunity to attend an ESIM School to see it is a great opportunity for learning, networking and promoting internal medicine. I must say thank you to President of Russian Scientific Society of Internal Medicine Academician Anatoly Ivanovich Martynov and to Scientific Secretary of Russian Scientific Society of Internal Medicine Valentin Kokorin for organizational and financial possibility to participate in ESIM 2015 Winter School.



I want to wish the young scientists of our country seek to obtain new knowledge and experience, including in the framework of international educational programs, as well as the representative of the Russian Federation have the opportunity each time to participate in the Summer and Winter schools of the European Federation of Internal Medicine.



Vasily Chulkov, e-mail:





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