At a plenary session the results of the work done in 2015 were presented, the prospects of development and innovations that are waiting to EACVI members in 2016 were announced. 

The President of the EACVI Gilbert Habib presented data according to which in 2015 EACVI  includes 6294 members (unfortunately, in Russia there are only 104), more than 40% are members of  EACVI 35. 



The Chairman of EACVI35 Julia Grapsa told about innovations in the community of young professionals cardiovascular diagnostics, one of the chief was to rename it the EACVI HIT (Hеart Imagers of tomorrow),also defined new rules of entry into the community.

The next Congress "EuroEcho-Imaging 2016" will be held 7th-10 th December in Leipzig (Germany).
Official website of the Congress is



Timeshova Tatjana, e-mail:





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