Dr. Lyudmila Korostovtseva, research fellow of the somnology group, research department of hypertension, Almazov National Medical Research Centre, shares her impression on the 4th European Forum on Hypertension
Russian doctors including staff of the Almazov National Medical Research Centre (Saint-Petersburg) took part in the 4th European Forum of Hypertension which was held on May 10-12, 2018 in Gdynia, Poland. For the fourth time national European societies on hypertension gathered together to discuss acute and daily issues of hypertensiology. No wonder that the inititive of holding the meeting belongs to past president of the ESH and current president of the Polish Society of Hypertension Prof. Krzysztof Narkiewicz. In Poland hypertensiology is recognized as a independent specialty and certified separately from cardiology.

The scientific programme of the Forum included plenary sessions dedicated to the everlasting issues of hypertensiology - resistant hypertension, sympthomatic hypertensions associated with endocrine and kidney pathologies; connection of cardiovascular and nervous systems and the role of CNS in hypertension development; as well as discussion of the new guidelines on diagnostics and treatment of hypertension. Prof. Sverre Kjeldsen presented a comparison of the European and American views on this matter.

The latest data in studying mechanisms of hypertension and new therapy approaches was discussed within one of the key sessions. Prof. Alexandra Konradi, vice-president of the Russian Society of Cardiology, covered the existent new approaches in drug therapy of arterial hypertension. Prof. Olle Mellander (Sweden) presesnted the latest  results of the high-scale genetic studies justified the possibilities for personalized medicine. Prof. Stéphane Laurent (France) stated the new focuses in the concept of early vascular aging - EVA - and its prevention and noted the problem of hypodynamia in his lecture. According to Prof. Laurent regular physical activity of medium and high intensity is the way to the eternal youth of vessels which he called SUPERNOVA.

Working groups meetings were full of hot topic discussions on different projects including ESH-BP Control Study, ESH Arterial fibrillation Research Project, ESH Stroke Survey, MASTER and ARCADIA-Pol studies, initiative of launching a registry of patients with fibromuscular dysplasia and many others.




Contacts of author:
Dr. Lyudmila Korostovtseva
e-mail: korostovtseva_ls@almazovcentre.ru



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