In general, this complies with the concept presented by the Dr. Vlachopoulos (Greece) and supported by other experts in the field of vascular aging. According to the recent publications, the best way to improve the vascular age, to decrease the arterial stiffness include 3 factors: walking in the natural environment, listening to the favorite music (either classical or rock, or any other but favorite one), and relaxation. 




Intriguingly, Barcelona gives all the opportunities for the cardiovascular protection, and the attendance of the 28th ESH Meeting became one of the festivals which professor Julius promoted. It became the place of meeting old friends and planning new collaborations. 





Strolling around Montjuic, spending evenings nearby the singing fountains at the Spain square, walking in the legendary Park Guell, where every adult person can become a child again and visit the houses from a fairytale, meeting Salamandra which became a symbol of Barcelona, wonderful views on the Mediterranean sea, sitting on the longest and the most comfortable in the world bench created by the genius of Antonio Gaudi.... On top of that, Mediterranean diet, Spanish wine and maritime air – taken together it makes a great 3-day-long intensive course on cardiovascular prevention!





Also on behalf of young scientists who took part in the Congress, we express our gratitude to the leadership of the Almazov National Medical Research Centre and the Young Scientists and Specialists Board for the opportunity to attend the 28th European Meeting on Hypertension and Cardiovascular Protection.

The material was prepared by the staff of the Research Department of Hypertension and the Research Department of the Epidemiology of Cardiovascular (Non-infectious) Diseases: L.S. Korostovtseva, M.V. Ionov, N.E. Zvartau, N.G. Avdonina, A.S. Alieva, A.O. Konradi.




Luydmila Korostovceva






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