In 2011 when I finished and defended my thesis for the degree of doctor of medical sciences, I happily sighed, "Well, I finished my serious educational things, two postgraduate degree, scientific degree, enough! Of course, I will learn all my life: short courses, conferences, literature, but no more global things! " I was wrong! And it is wonderful! Life is multifaceted and gives more opportunities than we can even imagine in some of its point. Since 2015 I am a student of the prestigious London school of economics (LSE) on the degree Master of sciences in Health Economics, Outcomes and Management in Cardiovascular Sciences. This program is part-time and distance learning in 2015-2017. My first visit in London was from 7 till 18 December 2015. I am writing this blog with two main purposes: 1. to inspire and show by example that a good education abroad is possible for Russian physicians 2. to give practical advice and describe my own experiences and/or mistakes on this way.