During 70´s years of existence, Cuban Society of Cardiology has fulfilled those functions for which it was created and estabalished in rules of Scientific Societes as non-govermment organizations.
During pre-revolutionay stage, its functions were beyond the organization and promotion of scientific meetings and activities, since it was very concerned about the existence of a cardiologic care of a proper quality trying to creates officially the specialty of Cardiology. It was also concerned about the cardiologic scientific research through its management in creation of National Institute of Cardiology as well as of some social features of specialty in our country identifying and traying to solve the problem related to the poor patients presenting with cardiac disturbances.
As long as in 1962, officially Specialty of Cardiology was created, and it, linked with development of Instituye of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery in 1966, allows the creation of a national cardiology network with free services. Thus, also were created services of cardiology in 14 provincial hospitals and some in municipalities as well as en Teaching Hospitals in Santiago de Cuba, Santa Clara, and Havana city in "Hermanos Ameijeiras" Surgical and Clinical Hoslital and in CIMEQ, as well as a Children Cardiology Center in "William Soler" Hospital.