Working meeting of the ESC Cardiologists of Tomorrow in Rome

2016-09-11 00:00:001972
The programme of the ESC Congress in Rome was very intensive and included special sessions for young specialists as well.
The ESC Cardiologists of Tomorrow  is the group within the ESC Young Community dedicated to general cardiology. It consists members from more than 50 countries. Russian young doctors were always a very active part of this European initiative, they joined the team of developing education platform ESCeL e-learning.
Within the ESC Congress in Rome, a meeting of leaders of young communities from different countries was held. Celine Carrera, ESCeL director, discussed opportunities to integrate educational programmes of the Russian and European Societies of Cardiology among others.  
Then representatives of the communities reported on their activities, received grants and plans. A new board of the ESC Cardiologists of Tomorrow 2016-2017 was announced.
Russian delegation presented the new format of educational events for young specialists - interactive master classes, contest Battle of the Scholars and social programmes of the RSC. 

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