Turkish-Russian Joint Session within the digital 36th Turkish Cardiology Congress

2020-12-08 00:00:00974

36th Turkish Cardiology Congress with International Participation was held on December 3-6, 2020. On Saturday, December 5th, a Joint Session of the Turkish and Russian Societies of Cardiology "How Did COVID-19 Pandemia Effected Our Strategies in Cardiovascular Diseases" was held online.

Prof. Evgeny Shlyakhto co-chaired the session along with the TSC President Prof. Dr. Vedat Aytekin. The programme of the session:
- COVID-19 and telemedicine - challenge or opportunity? - Simon Matskeplishvili
- How did interventional cardiology procedures affected by the COVID-19 pandemic? What should be the strategy - Can Yücel Karabay
- Command center of quality control of COVID-19 patients management - Dmitry Kurapeev
- How should we identify the risk groups for cardiac patients in the COVID-19 pandemic? - Ertu?rul Okuyan

We thank our colleagues from the Turkish Society of Cardiology for an excellent scientific session that brought up a lot of interesting questions.

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