Travel grants for young cardiologists to visit ESC Congress 2014 in Barcelona

2014-01-21 00:00:003574

Dear Colleagues!

February 14 is the deadline for abstract submission to European Society of Cardiology Congress 2014 to be held in Barcelona, Spain from August 30 to September 3, 2014.

Last year in Amsterdam, thanks to the travel grants provided by the Russian Society of Cardiology, young doctors gracefully represented Russia at this event of the top international level. This year, 15 travel grants will be given to cover travel expenses of young cardiologists up to 35 years, whose abstracts will be included into the scientific programme of the Congress as an oral or poster presentation.

Deadline for travel grant applications is May 30, 2014.

You can send a preliminary application with your CV and a letter confirming submitting abstract(s) to ESC Congress 2014 to now. In May 2014, when you receive a letter from ESC confirming that your presentation is included into the scientific programme of the Congress, please send it to us as well.

In the category of clinical case presentations that will be organized within ESC Congress 2014, you will not have to compete with the leading scientists as in the main programme. Your competitors will be of the same age.

To submit an abstract or a clinical case, please visit ESC

Have you got interesting scientific or clinical data? Share them with the world! And RSC will help you!  


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