The results of the first stage of the Battle of the scholars are ready

2014-07-28 00:00:002146


Dear Colleagues!

The results of the first stage of the Battle of the scholars are ready. And the winning teams are:

1. Almazov chariot (Saint-Peterburg)
2. Yugra (Khanty-Mansiysk)
3. Samarian cardiologists (Samara)

The first part of the task - 2 clinical cases - was successfully completed by 6 teams. Besides those mentioned above it was:
Cardioteam (Saint-Petersburg)
Burning hearts (Moscow)
Valsalva (Ulyanovsk)

Three winning teams were chosen by independent reviewing and valuation of presented clinical cases.

The second stage of the competition will be carried out in Kazan within the Russian National Congress of Cardiology.


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