The Forum of Young Cardiologists and All-Russian scientific session of young scientists started its work today in Kemerovo

2018-06-01 00:00:001575

The Forum in Kemerovo gathers young doctors from very different regional branches of the Russian Society of Cardiology. A truly unique scientific programme was generated under the guidance of Prof. Olga Barbarash, head of the RSC Kemerovo regional branch and director of the Scientifc and Research Institute of Complex Problems of Cardiovascular Diseases. It consists lectures by the leading Russian experts dedicated to the hot topics in cardiology and master classes designed to assist young specialists in the real clinical practice.

Cheif editor of the Russian Journal of Cardiology - Yulia Rodionova - gave a talk on how to prepare an article for publishing in the scientific peer-reviewed journal. Presentation will be available at where you will also find answers to the questions of the audience.




Red Dress social initiative was joined by many doctors on the first day of the Forum. They came dressed in red to support the issue of cardiovascular diseases in women.

After scientific sessions of the first day young с cardiologists visited open-air museum "Red hill" ("Krasnaya gorka").

522 delegates and 80 speakers took part in the Forum of young cardiologists on the first day.
The scientific programme was followed by the informal evening.



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