Since 2017 the journal Arterial Hypertension is included in the international database SCOPUS

2017-04-04 00:00:001681

Dear Colleagues!

We are pleased to announce that the journal Arterial Hypertension is included in the international database SCOPUS starting from 2017. As the journal has to comply with the international standards requirements for articles submission were adapted. Now the journal will be in two languages the full English version is published at All articles must contain the full translation in English when are submitted.

We are very grateful to all our authors, reviewers, readers, colleagues and publishing personnel - to all who helps in releasing the journal.

We hope to continue our effective and valuable work in the future.
Your assistance is crucially important for maintenance and development of the journal Arterial hypertension on the international level.

Thank you!

Editorial board of the Arterial hypertension

Federal Almazov North-West Medical Research Centre
Russia, Saint-Petersburg, 197341, 2 Akkuratova st.

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