Scientific and educational cluster "Translational medicine" was presented on the Russian National Congress of Cardiology 2017

2017-10-24 00:00:001423

Informational technologies are used in medicine more actively now. Medical data is preserved in digital form and can be analyzed in order to receive new information about the efficacy of diagnostics and therapy, risk factors and outcomes, and develop algorithms of prognosis. 

That is the main target of the Scientific and educational cluster "Translational medicine" which was presented on the Russian National Congress of Cardiology in Saint-Petersburg. Everyone could get information on one of the projects including the partnership of the Almazov National Medical Research Centre and Institute of computer technologies of the ITMO University on applying IT in medical services to patients with acute coronary syndrome.

Данный сайт и вся информация на нём предназначена для медицинских работников. Продолжая просмотр, вы соглашаетесь и подтверждаете, что являетесь медицинским работником.