Russian National Congress of Cardiology 2016 in numbers

2016-09-26 00:00:002461

Russian National Congress of Cardiology was successfully held in Ekaterinburg on September 20-23. More than 5,000 people visited the meeting, and there were 3,781 delegates from 203 cities and 23 countries among them.

Those participants registered in the system of continuing medical education received 22 credits. More than 3,000 doctors got educational credits.

More than 1,500 people including 890 doctors got the free screening for cardiovascular risk factors organized and supported by Sverdlovsk region and KRKA.

Congress statistics:
4 days
12 conference halls
169 sessions
2 plenary lectures
3 poster sessions (119 poster presentations)
5 RSC Awards and 2 Awards for Honoured Cardiologists
8,000 m2 for exposition
6 general partners
17 partners
10 media partners
23 companies-exhibitors

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