Russian National Congress of Cardiology 2015 is accredited in the programme of continuing medical education

2015-05-14 00:00:002010


Russian National Congress of Cardiology 2015 is accredited in the programme of continuing medical education


What does that mean?

Congress is accredited in the new programme of the continuing medical education by the Coordinating committee for development of continuing medical and pharmaceutical education of the Russian Ministry of Health for cardiologists, physicians and general practitioners. Participating in the Congress will get you 24 CME credits (only if you are present for the whole meeting) which will be counted as class period for the next advanced training.


What to do?

You need to register on the first day of the Congress on September 22nd before 14.00 and claim that you need a certificate. On the last day of the Congress on Sptember 25th you should get your certificate with personal number at the registration desk.

Данный сайт и вся информация на нём предназначена для медицинских работников. Продолжая просмотр, вы соглашаетесь и подтверждаете, что являетесь медицинским работником.