RSC Regional Congress in Kazan: organizing committee gave plants to the participants

2019-05-17 00:00:001147

Regional Congress of the Russian Society of Cardiology was held in Kazan on May 17-18, 2019.

Within the Congress RSC decided not only to aim efforts at educational projects for cardiologists, but also drawn its attention to promotion of the healthy lifestyle.

We wish health to our patients and doctors. And in order to save lives they need to be in good shape themselves.

RSC decided to give away the plants for the garden to all participants of the Regional Congress in Kazan on May 18th. Flowers can be planted out, and it will give the joy to you and your family during the whole Summer. And the time spent outdoors will award you with strong health and good physical activity as well as fresh mood. 

Join the outdoor's activities with us!



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