RSC Congress 2016: special map of Ekaterinburg to achieve 10,000 steps a day

2016-05-25 00:00:002858

The next Russian National Congress of Cardiology will be in Ekaterinburg - the capital of the Ural region.
Russian Society of Cardiology is aimed at promotion of the healthy lifestyle among city residents and visitors. Thus, RSC created a unique map of the city center with pedestrian rout that includes main sightseeing attractions.
Using this map you can find out how many steps you've made and calories you've burnt during the trip.
It can also be applied in creating your own route in the light of the WHO advice to take 10,000 steps a day.

Данный сайт и вся информация на нём предназначена для медицинских работников. Продолжая просмотр, вы соглашаетесь и подтверждаете, что являетесь медицинским работником.