62nd ACC Scientific Sessions

From March 9 to 11 in San-Francisco (California, U.S.A.) the 62nd scientific sessions of American College of Cardiology were held.

All-Russian Conference of Young Scientists "Topical Problems of Clinical and Experimental Cardiology"

Всероссийская конференция молодых ученых «Актуальные вопросы клинической и экспериментальной кардиологии» проходила в г.Томске на базе Федерального государственного учреждения « НИИ Кардиологии» РАМН 29-30 марта 2013.

Cardiovascular International Cyprus 2013

The event is added into the Event Calendar. Cardiovascular International Cyprus 2013 is to be held on April 26-28, 2013 jointly by Hellenic and Cyprus Societies of Cardiology.

Results of travel grant competition for young scientists from regional RSC divisions to participate in the 1st Global Educational Forum “Russian Cardiovascular Days”

The results of travel grant competition for young scientists from regional divisions of the Russian Society of Cardiology to participate in the 1st Global Educational Forum “Russian Cardiovascular Days”

Travel Grants for Young Cardiologists from the Russian regions to take part in the FIrst Global Educational Forum "Russian Cardiovascular Days"

Российское кардиологическое общество приглашает к участию в Форуме молодых специалистов из региональных отделений РКО и объявляет о предоставлении 100 грантов на участие в образовательном форуме «Российские дни сердца»
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