We invite you to take part in the competition on knowledge of practice guidelines that will be based on clinical cases.
Grants are provided for those young specialists whose abstracts will be accepted as oral or poster presentation.
We founded Working Group of Young Cardiologist in 2009, and all these years we did our best to provide young cardiologists of RSC with opportunities to develop in Russia and abroad.
On behalf of the Russian Society of Cardiology Board please accept congratulations on coming Christmas and New Year – the year of fighting cardiovascular diseases in Russia!
The Russian National Congress of Cardiology 2014 took place in Kazan, the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan (24-26 September 2014).
В Москве завершилась акция «Оденься в красное!», прошедшая под эгидой Российского кардиологического общества, социально-образовательной программы «Пульс жизни» и концерна Bayer.
On September 23rd within the Russian National Congress of Cardiologists the first competition on knowledge of clinical guidelines "Fight of Erudites" took place.