RSC section "IT in cardiology" organizes broadcast where participants can gain CME credits

Ministry of health of the Russian Federation currently implements new model of continuing medical education.

The city of Tyumen became the worlds cardiological center for three days

VI International Congress "Cardiology at a crossroad of sciences" was held in Tyumen on May 20-22, 2015. Russian and foreign specialists assembled in the Tyumen Cardiology Center, and congress was dedicated to the 30th anniversary of this great institution.

As part of the III International Congress "Hypertension - from Korotkov to our days" (St. Petersburg, 21-23 May 2015) on May 23 was held an International School on Epidemiology and Prevention

Школа проходила 23 мая в течение дня и собрала молодых кардиологов, которые приехали из разных регионов России благодаря грантовой поддержке Российского кардиологического общества.

Deadline for abstract submission on the Russian National Congress of Cardiology, September 22-25, 2015, is extended till June 16th. Get your chance to submit an abstract!

Deadline for abstract submission is June 16, 2015. We kindly ask you to submit your abstracts in advance. Abstracts received after the deadline will not be considered.

MD Limited company (Istanbul, Turkey) grants award for the best poster presentation within the Russian National Congress of Cardiology 2015

Within the international cooperation and joint projects with RSC Turkish company MD Limited offers an award "MD LIMITED AWARD for THE POSTER PRESENTATION OF THE YEAR" within the Russian National Congress of Cardiology.

Russian National Congress of Cardiology 2015 is accredited in the programme of continuing medical education

Congress is accredited in the new programme of the continuing medical education by the Coordinating committee for development of continuing medical and pharmaceutical education of the Russian Ministry of Health for cardiologists, physicians and general practitioners.

Congratulations on the Victory Day!

On behalf of the Board of the Russian Society of Cardiology I whole-heartedly congratulate You with the national Victory Day!
Данный сайт и вся информация на нём предназначена для медицинских работников. Продолжая просмотр, вы соглашаетесь и подтверждаете, что являетесь медицинским работником.