On May 17-18, 2019 RSC Regional Congress in Kazan was held

2019-05-28 00:00:001269

The main theme of the Congress was "New Technologies into the Healthcare Practice". Leading experts in cardiology of Russia and Tatarstan took part in the meeting. RSC General Secretary Prof. Alexander Nedoshivin opened the Congress and welcomed the participants.

502 doctors registered to the event over these two-day meeting. Broadcasting of the sessions was organized, and more than 1,000 people watched it online.

Within the Congress RSC decided not only to aim efforts at educational projects for cardiologists, but also drawn its attention to promotion of the healthy lifestyle.

RSC organized a social action on giving the plants for the garden to all participants of the Regional Congress on May 18th. Flowers that could be planted out, and the time spent outdoors will be a good physical activity.

We hope this scientific meeting was useful and memorable to the participants.







Full photo report https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMGtgBPFuHbjt-QuVQFrbXdOVwNxiDn_eNAOwMe5pcWz6AEddTwc11RfUMcI0Ssew?fbclid=IwAR3NlNEokkrzNYSUqlZJwvJHyo7JHeJSMLnOkXpQaxWmXZ9zzJw7_1xhYjc&key=UlhQN3g0Z3M5X0tEdHNLZTNFd0dIekFkN2dkUzd3

Video of all lectures (in Russian) https://scardio.ru/events/regionalnyy_kongress_rko/regionalnyy_kongress_rossiyskogo_kardiologicheskogo_obschestva_v_kazani/videotranslyaciya/?fbclid=IwAR1jTrpwEjF6OtsFtrRxlawPYVQXQbgTq6vr1mS4NZCqp-2SdFwqYtJtXNk

The next RSC Regional Congress will be held on June 14-15 in Makhachkala (Dagestan, Russia). Full programme and registration https://scardio.ru/events/regionalnyy_kongress_rko/regionalnyy_kongress_rossiyskogo_kardiologicheskogo_obschestva_v_mahachkale/?fbclid=IwAR2-fNqrrS77tNncdr13FaLAdiPBM0Xffo-Gpzt3ZL_qY58ym442IDZqQsM

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