Nurses from Russia took part in the EuroHeartCare - ACNAP Congress

2021-06-21 00:00:001079

On June 18-19 Association of Cardiovascular Nursing & Allied Professions (ACNAP) held the annual EuroHeartCare congress (online), courses and scientific sessions bringing the latest news and science in CV care to nurses and allied professionals.

Russian Society of Cardiology provided the opportunity to 21 Russian cardiovascular nurses from Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Samara, Volgograd, Nizhny Novgorod, Kemerovo and Saratov to participate in the online Congress.

Different hot topics were discussed within this event, including issues of supporting patients with hypertension, heart failure and other CVS, global innovations in cardiovascular care, advances in physical activity, sports, and dietary recommendations for specific kinds of patients, patient/public involvement and advocacy, digital transformations in patient education and many others.

The European colleagues noted that Russia entered the top 10 countries participating in the congress and convey their words of gratitude.

Russian Society of Cardiology also thanks our participants for their willingness to join the meeting and taking part in sessions and discussions.

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