New Year's congratulations by RSC President Evgeny Shlyakhto

2014-12-25 00:00:002222



Dear Colleagues and Friends!

On behalf of the Russian Society of Cardiology Board please accept congratulations on coming Christmas and New Year – the year of fighting cardiovascular diseases in Russia!

Russian Society of Cardiology – one of the biggest and the most authoritative professional medical public organizations in Russia — contributes a lot to the state's efforts  to decrease cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Together we achieved many goals but 2015 should become critical in solving several important issues.

Russian Society of Cardiology prepares a programme of the large-scaled medical, social and educational events in order to teach the public about main principles of healthy lifestyle and primary prevention as well as train physicians in diagnostics and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. 

 In 2015 we should focus on educational and organizational work that is important part of the system of continuous medical education. We should also pay attention to the international collaboration as our achievements in clinical and fundamental medical science meet the highest international standards and should be presented on the scientific forums.

Please let me express the warmest gratitude for Your important contribution in our joint work and wish for the upcoming New Year brings all of us professional achievements and creative success.

With all the heart I wish You and Your family peace, happiness, health and prosperity!


Sincerely Yours,

President of the Russian Society of Cardiology

RAS academician                                                        Evgeny Shlyakhto

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