New RSC section - Cardiorheumatology

2016-05-23 00:00:001918

Newly organized section of cardiorheumatology will unite efforts of cardiologists, rheumatologists and physicians in creating and implementation of the unified strategy of prevention, diagnostic and therapy of cardiovascular diseases in patients with rheumatic diseases.

Work of the section will be aimed at different aspects of combination of cardiac and rheumaticdiseases - from cardiovascular risk assessment in patients with RD to studying of impact of the antirheumatic therapy on cardiovascular system of patients. There will be created new algorithms of diagnostic, treatment and preventive actions for CVD in patients with RD. New clinical guidelines and educational projects for doctors will be organized. Also, schools for patients and special informational leaflets will be created.

Chairpersons of the section:
Prof. Alexandra Konradi, RSC vice-president 
Dr. Tatyana Popkova, 

Scientific secretary:
Dr. Diana Novikova


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