Mass social event “Healthy Heart Walk” dedicated to the preventive medicine will take place in Ekaterinburg

2016-08-03 00:00:002256

On the threshold of the Russian National Congress of Cardiology that is held on September 20-23, 2016 in Ekaterinburg, a mass social event “Healthy Heart Walk” will take place on September 19th.

Ministry of Health of the Sverdlovsk region supported by the Russian Society of Cardiology will conduct this event to promote regular physical activity as good prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Low physical activity along with smoking, excessive body weight, high cholesterol level in blood and high blood pressure is “universal” risk factor for many chronic diseases. Some of it can be related not only to aging-associated health problems but low training and physical activity as well.

It will all take place on the central streets of the city – from the building of the Government of Sverdlovsk region to the Dinamo sport stadium. Around 2000 people will participate in the event – healthcare professionals, students, sportsmen, members of the Nordiс Walking Club, press and all citizens from the Sverdlovsk region who want  to support the action.

The procession will be led by the Governor of the Sverdlovsk region Evgeny Kuivashev, RSC President Evgeny Shlyakhto, Minister of Health of the Sverdlovsk region Igor Trofimov, director of the Ural Institute of Cardiology Ian Gabinsky, well-known scientists and sportsmen.

People will start to come at 15:00 at Oktyabrskaya square, and the walking will begin at 15:30. After that from 16:00 till 16:30 a celebration will be held on the Dinamo stadium. It will consist performances by the youth sports teams and dancing groups, mass exercising, dancing flash mob.

On September 19th near the stadium will be opened a mobile complex “Cardiobus”. It will give an opportunity to all adults who wish get screening tests to find out cardiovascular risks: estimate BMI, blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose levels in blood. In the end of the session doctors will give necessary advises and information brochures.

On September 19-24, 2016 all Health centers for adults (in Sverdlovsk region – 19) will be working with a motto “Keep your heart healthy” making accent on the importance of physical training and regular medical screening to prevent cardiovascular diseases.


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