III Joint webinar of the Russian Society of Cardiology and American College of Cardiology was held on October 8th in Volgograd

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The title of the third webinar in a series was “ASCVD Prevention for the Primary Care Provider Part 3: Secondary Prevention and Continuing Care”.

ACC faculty was presented by Dr. Aaron D. Kugelmass, MD, FACC, Professor of Medicine in University of Massachusetts, and Dr. Tracy Wang, MD, MHS, MSc, FACC, Professor of Medicine in Duke University.


Prof. Yury M. Lopatin, MD, PhD, FHFA, Professor of Medicine in Volgograd State Medical University, and Sergey V. Nedogoda, MD, PhD, FESC, Professor of Medicine in Volgograd State Medical University, represented the Russian Society.


Three speakers presented clinical cases on anticoagulation and antiplatelet therapy in patients with ACS and AF, statin therapy, management of patients with Hypertension and diabetes. All topics were discussed in the light of the latest American, European and Russian guidelines.


Active discussion after lectures involved live and online audience.

For now the number of viewings is 662.

In order to receive the Russian CME credits all participants are invited to complete a short online test https://www.surveys.acc.org/se/0B87B74458182078

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