IAS 2016 – Registration and abstract submission is now OPEN!

2015-12-18 00:00:002066


Symposium of the International Atherosclerosis Society "Anitschkow Days" will be held on June 2–4, 2016 in St. Petersburg.

Registration to the meeting is now available on the website http://www.ias-petersburg.org/registration/

Abstract submission deadline is January 31, 2016! Online abstract submission form is available here http://www.ias-petersburg.org/abstracts/

Symposium Venue
Symposium of the International Atherosclerosis Society - "Anitschkow Days" will be held at the hotel Azimut, located in the historical centre of St. Petersburg!

CME Credits
IAS 2016 is applying for the accreditation by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) to provide the following CME activity for medical specialists.

Follow the meeting on:

Symposium Secretariat: GUARANT International spol. s r. o.
Phone: +420 284 001 444
fax: +420 284 001 448
e-mail: ias-petersburg@guarant.cz
web: www.ias-petersburg.org

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