ESC webinars - January-February 2016

2016-01-18 00:00:001823

Dear Colleagues!
We offer you to join free ESC webinars. Schedule for next month:
  • January 22, 2016
Best of the EuroEcho-Imaging congress 2015
Speakers: Gilbert Habib and Bogdan Popescu
Focus on: key messages of the Euro-Echo Imaging congress which took place in Sevilla from 2-5 December 2015 on the theme "Cardiomyopathies and early diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases"
  • January 25, 2016
The pericardial diseases spectrum: How the guidelines help us manage this condition?
Speakers: Yehuda Adler, Massimo Imazio and George Krasopoulos
Focus on:
- new definitions and diagnostic criteria for pericarditis and how to apply them in clinical practice.
- criteria for the triage of pericarditis and pericardial effusion.
- old and new therapeutic options for refractory recurrent pericarditis.
- strengths and weaknesses of different imaging methods for pericardial diseases and the best imaging method according to the patient and specific diagnostic target
  • January 26, 2016
Strengths and limitations of single shot devices: cryoballoon, laser balloon or multiphase RF
Speakers: Boris Schmidt and Fernando Arribas
Focus on: 
- differences in the technical approach of single shot devices
- pros and cons of single shot devices versus point by point ablation
- different techniques for different laboratory settings and environment
  • February 4, 2016
Aortic disease: using the ESC Guidelines to solve clinical problems
Speakers: Udo Sechtem, Oliver Gaemperli and Ruggero De Paulis
Focus on: 
- the most appropriate tool for the imaging of the aorta and the most appropriate ways of measuring the various section of the aorta.
- the best available treatment options based on patients related factors, anatomical presentation and type of aortic disease.
- necessary diagnostic work-up and best surgical approach when facing an acute aortic syndrome
  • February 18, 2016
Myocardial contrast echocardiography in the clinical practice
Speakers: Roxy Senior, Nicola Gaibazzi and Petros Nihoyannopoulos
Focus on: how MCE works and detects coronary artery disease(CAD) and how it is used to risk stratify pts with CAD
  • February 25, 2016
Periprocedural anticoagulation during AF ablation: can I use a NOAC?
Speakers: Richard Schilling, Christian Sticherling and Karl-Heinz Kuck
Focus on: 
- The current scientific basis for the use of non-Vitamin K oral anticoagulants (NOAC)
- The impact of the different NOACs on laboratory parameters for the assessment of anticoagulation
- A regimen for “uninterrupted” peri-interventional use of NOACs
- The management of peri-interventional bleeding complications
- The latest on the current status of the antidots idarucizumab (F.II inhibitors) and andexanet-alfa (F.Xa inhibitors)
- The current evidence for the use of uninterrupted NOACs in the setting of catheter ablation
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