ESC Congress 2020: Highlights from the Scientific Programme

2020-08-03 00:00:001223

The world’s largest cardiovascular meeting – ESC Congress 2020 – is set to host the biggest online gathering of cardiovascular professionals the world has ever seen.

Get ready for live and on demand sessions on more than 400 topics covering the entire spectrum of cardiology. Highlights include:

More than 70 late breaking science studies – high-profile cardiovascular trials and registries reporting results set to influence patient care. Featuring Hot Lines presented live every day.

Four ESC Clinical Practice Guidelines will be launched. With live presentations and interactive panel discussions on the implications for clinical practice:
- Sports Cardiology and Physical Activity in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease
- Atrial Fibrillation
- Adult Congenital Heart Disease
- Non-ST-Segment Elevation Acute Coronary Syndromes.
Plus: more than 4,000 abstract presentations from clinicians and scientists around the globe.

Ten topics will stream simultaneously during the event:
- Diseases of The Aorta, Peripheral Vascular Disease, Stroke, Interventional Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery  
- Arrhythmias and Device Therapy
- Heart Failure
- Hypertension, Pharmacology and Nursing
- Imaging
- Preventive Cardiology and Cardiovascular Disease in Special Populations
- Basic Science
- Coronary Artery Disease, Acute Coronary Syndromes, Acute Cardiac Care
- Valvular, Myocardial, Pericardial, Pulmonary, Congenital Heart Disease
- Special tracks (Including Spotlight – COVID – ESC Named lecture)

“The Cutting Edge of Cardiology” is the spotlight theme. Showcasing state-of-the-art technologies in clinical cardiology and previewing what’s on the horizon. Including: big data, artificial intelligence and wearables to reshape the delivery of medical care; robotics to provide remote care worldwide; and stem cells and genes for personalised medicine.

This year’s scientific chairs commented:

Professor Silvia Priori said: “This year we bring you the hottest cardiovascular science in an entirely new format. This will be an experience like no other, with clinicians and scientists gathering virtually from across the globe to debate and discuss today’s pressing issues in cardiovascular disease.”

Professor Marco Roffi said: “During four days, ESC Congress will share original research and practice-changing science, with late breaking clinical trials, abstracts, ESC Guidelines, and much more. Every day the packed programme concludes with a wrap-up of the key scientific exchanges and essential take home messages.”

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