ESC Congress 2020 – The Digital Experience: 29 August to 1 September

2020-08-28 00:00:001039

Dear colleagues,

For the first time every cardiovascular health professional in Russia can attend ESC Congress 2020 – The Digital Experience, starting this Saturday at 09:00.

It really is a unique opportunity to discover the very latest advances that will change your practice, hear important trial results first-hand and learn from the experts.

You’ll join colleagues from a record 205 countries and be able to network in forums, ask the experts questions and join the conversations.

I highly recommend that you attend so you don’t miss a moment of what will be the largest digital gathering of cardiovascular professionals the world has ever seen. From the comfort of your home or office, alone or with colleagues.

Register today at no charge for:

- Live Sessions from the studio, including questions and answers and panel discussions with experts
- 10 Channels by Topic, including forums for interaction
- On-Demand programme, released each day
- Resources: All scientific presentations, slides and videos will be available for free throughout September, but you need to register for the congress to get access.
- CME Credits: You will receive one credit for each hour you have spent online during the congress, with a maximum of six credits per day, as defined by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education.

Don’t miss a moment of the science. Register today and be ready to take part!

Finally, be sure to check out the Russian Society of Cardiology in the ESC section of the ESC Congress platform.

See you online,

Professor Shlyakhto, FESC
President Russian Society of Cardiology


Теги: ESC
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