Deadline for abstract submission on the Russian National Congress of Cardiology, September 22-25, 2015, is extended till June 16th. Get your chance to submit an abstract!

2015-06-02 00:00:002277


Deadline for abstract submission is June 16, 2015. We kindly ask you to submit your abstracts in advance. Abstracts received after the deadline will not be considered.

Abstract design requirements:

1. One page (A4), single spacing and 3cm margins, 12pt Times New Roman font. No charts or pictures in the text, please. The submitted abstracts are printed without editing.
2. The first line should include the title (in capital letters), the second line – authors’ last names and initials, the third line –institution, city, and country.
3. Abstracts should include aim, research methods, results, and conclusions. No charts, pictures, references or abbreviations, please.
4. Abstracts are accepted in electronic Word format only, please send you abstracts to: One file sent may include one abstract only. The file name should include the last name and initials of the first author, name of the city and the number of the abstract sent without spacing (e.g. IvanovIIMoscow1 for the first abstract and IvanovIIMoscow2 for the second abstract).
5. The e-mail message subject should include message type, the first author’s last name and initials, city name and the number of abstracts attached to the message.

Attention! The following information must be sent in an attached file: corresponding person, abstract title, authors, organization name, city, country, address, telephone number, and e-mail. Abstracts written or sent incorrectly will not be considered.

Abstract example:
Ivanov I.I., Petrov P.P.
National Research Center for Preventive Medicine, Moscow
(do not put point)

Abstracts are published free of charge.


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