As part of the III International Congress "Hypertension - from Korotkov to our days" (St. Petersburg, 21-23 May 2015) on May 23 was held an International School on Epidemiology and Prevention

2015-06-04 00:00:002694

As part of the III International Congress "Hypertension - from Korotkov to our days" (St. Petersburg, 21-23 May 2015) on May 23 was held an International School on Epidemiology and Prevention. This event attracted young cardiologists from different regions of Russia with a grant support from Russian Society of Cardiology.


The school started with a presentation "How to publish an article in the international journal?" by Professor Konradi (Deputy Director on Science, North-West Medical Research Centre, St. Petersburg). Professor highlighted main publication problems: how to write an international publication, how to choose a journal, how to respond to a review, and many others.



The second part was held by professors from Germany, UK and Netherlands. Rajiv Chowdhury from the Department of Cardiovascular Epidemiology (Cambridge, UK) in the first report explained the basic concepts of epidemiological studies and research planning. Features of prevention in cardiovascular diseases were presented by Professor Oscar H. Franco (Erasmus University, The Netherlands). The last report by Professor Heiner Boeing (DIfE, Germany) was devoted to modern methods of physical activity and nutrition evaluation.



The final part was opened by the leading researcher of the National Research Centre for Preventive Medicine (Moscow) – Dr Anna Kontsevaya. She presented some basic features of clinical epidemiology and examples of practical application of epidemiological studies results. Dr Oxana Rotar – the head of scientific laboratory for epidemiology presented main biases in the study design and ways to avoid them.


A number of questions from the audience and warm networking among participants showed a big interest in to this developing research sphere.



Participants from various regions shared their impressions about the school.



Kitalaeva Camila, cardiologist Federal Centre for Cardiosurgery, Astrakhan


As a novice researcher, on the one hand, for me it was interesting to see how I can avoid mistakes in a study design, and, on the other hand, what is necessary to consider when publishing an article. I am working as a cardiologist in the cardiac surgery department and now I am just collecting data from patients who underwent surgical treatment for valvular heart disease. It seems to me, that such activities help practical cardiology to catch an enthusiasm in scientific research and try to start their own investigation. I am grateful to the organizers, lecturers, and especially professor Alexandra Konradi.


Ilya Melnikov, Associate Professor of Hospital Therapy, South Ural State Medical University, Chelyabinsk


For me, the most exciting was a lecture by Professor Konradi, because I have the experience in articles writing, but I want to improve my skills and overcome new frontiers. In her presentation, professor highlighted not only the complexity of the international publication, but also the pitfalls of communication with publishers and reviewers, which Russian researchers often do not even know. International lecturers and data on clinical epidemiology not only increased the knowledge base, but have become a source of new scientific ideas! I’m grateful to the RSC for the opportunity to visit the School. I want also to thank the School organizing comity for the desire to make Russia science more competitive!


Elena Isayeva, a cardiologist Gause Interregional Clinical Diagnostic Center, Kazan

The International School on Epidemiology gave me new scientific ideas! I found out a proper way of paper writing - from the goal to conclusions. I want to thank the Congress organizing comity for the creation of the School, and all speakers for their bright reports!









Chulkov Vasilyi, Associate Professor of Hospital Therapy, South Ural State Medical University, Chelyabinsk

Korotkov Congress was a great opportunity not only to get a new information, but also to communicate with colleagues from other regions. I was able to learn useful practical tips for results publication. In recent years, an interest in clinical epidemiology and preventive medicine among Russian doctors has increased, so it was important to hear about the relevance and practical application of this trend, presented by leading Russian and international experts. I would like to thank the organizers for the opportunity to improve the knowledge and practical skills!



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