The pleiotropic effects of statins have been suggested to prevent atrial fibrillation onset. We conducted a population-based case–control study using medical databases from Northern Denmark to examine the association between statin use and atrial fibrillation or flutter.
Elderly patients with atrial fibrillation who received treatment with warfarin or dabigatran experienced a decline in renal function, according to results of a post-hoc analysis of the RE-LY study.
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: To determine usefulness and versatility of hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) relative to other thiazide diuretics in the treatment of hypertension.
Some experts suggest that serum thyrotropin levels in the upper part of the current reference range should be considered abnormal, an approach that would reclassify many individuals as having mild hypothyroidism.
Smartphone-enabled ECG sensors can detect atrial fibrillation in the general adult public, according to study data presented at the Heart Rhythm Society Annual Scientific Sessions.
Men with cardiac problems appear to have a high rate of symptomatic hypogonadism, according to a study conducted in one of the nation’s largest cardiology practices.
Statin use is lower and less aggressive among patients with diabetes and noncoronary atherosclerotic vascular disease compared with those with diabetes and CAD, according to recent findings.